
Psychological Therapy & Assessments


At Amanda Bakker Psychology, we provide you with professional psychological assessments as well as therapy and counselling options. Amanda’s extensive knowledge and expertise equips her with the skills to conduct a range of psychological assessments including measures to assess psychopathology and formal assessments of intelligence. Assessments also include a feedback session to discuss the results with you and make recommendations suited to your individual needs.



psychotherapist writing notes, assessing patient's health

A self-report measure, used to measure adult psychopathology and personality. This assessment provides useful information for clinical diagnosis, treatment planning and benchmarking psychopathology.

Clinical scales include somatic concerns, anxiety, anxiety related disorders, depression, mania, paranoia, schizophrenia, borderline features, antisocial features, alcohol problems and drug problems.

The results can be useful for adults across multiple settings, including clinical, workplace and tertiary settings.

IQ Tests

Cognitive or intelligence quotient (IQ) assessments measure one’s fluid and crystallised intelligence across specific domains including perceptual reasoning, working memory, processing speed and verbal comprehension.

This test can be administered on its own to assess one’s cognitive profile or in conjunction with an academic assessment to assess learning difficulties. 

Academic Assessments

Student filling out answers to a test with a pencil.

An academic (educational) assessment assesses the domains of reading, written expression, mathematics and oral expression.

It provides a guide to one’s current age equivalence (or year level where appropriate). Coupled with a cognitive assessment, it can be used to assess learning difficulties and specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia) or to benchmark progress. This is a particularly useful assessment for those requiring academic support or to support home-schooling.

Behavioural Assessments

Father and daughter in therapist office during counselling assessment meeting.
This self-report measure is useful as a standalone assessment or combined with a cognitive and academic assessment.

It is designed to benchmark changes in one’s behavioural and emotional profile, including symptoms of ASD and ADHD. This assessment is completed with input from the relevant person (client, guardian, teacher).

Adaptive Functioning Assessments

Psychologist talking to happy teenager, adolescent counseling service, help
To assess for intellectual disability, this is required alongside a cognitive and academic assessment.
It is also useful for NDIS clients to assess and benchmark their level of adaptive functioning skills necessary for daily living. This is a self-report measure which is completed with input from the relevant person (client, guardian, teacher).

Comprehensive Psychological Assessment

professional psychologist consult in psychotherapy session or counsel diagnosis health.

A comprehensive psychological assessment is a combination of one IQ assessment, one academic assessment, and either an adaptive functioning or a psychopathology/behavioural assessment.

Start your well-being journey in SA with a psychological assessment. Contact Amanda Bakker Psychology on 0472 663 384 to learn more.